A library that helps you develop plugins for Elgato's Stream Deck.
:npm install --save streamdeck-typescript
This Plugin adds a few decorators for classes and methods.
- Listens for specified event in the property inspector context and if
triggered, calls method@SDOnActionEvent(event)
- Listens for specified event in the action context and if triggered, calls methodYou can see an example in the example folder or look through the Source docs
Elgato uses 2 different files. The Action file (which handels all actions), and the Property Inspector file (which is for settings)
import {StreamDeckPluginHandler} from '../src';
import {CounterAction} from './actions/counter.action';
export class Counter extends StreamDeckPluginHandler {
constructor() {
new CounterAction(this, 'fun.shiro.counter.action');
new Counter();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Test Plugin</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="dist/bundle.js"></script>
Here you can see. After the build you have only one file (bundle.js in this case) and this gets loaded.
import {DidReceiveSettingsEvent, SDOnPiEvent, StreamDeckPropertyInspectorHandler} from '../src';
import {SettingsInterface} from './interfaces/settings.interface';
class CounterPi extends StreamDeckPropertyInspectorHandler {
private count: HTMLInputElement;
private stepsCount: HTMLInputElement;
constructor() {
onDocumentReady() {
this.count = document.getElementById('count') as HTMLInputElement;
this.count.addEventListener('keyup', () =>
this.actionInfo.context, {count: this.count.valueAsNumber}, 500));
this.stepsCount = document.getElementById('steps') as HTMLInputElement;
this.stepsCount.addEventListener('keyup', () =>
this.actionInfo.context, {steps: this.stepsCount.valueAsNumber}, 500));
const settings = this.settingsManager.getContextSettings<SettingsInterface>(this.actionInfo.context);
this.count.value = (settings?.count ?? 0).toString();
this.stepsCount.value = (settings?.steps ?? 1).toString();
private onSettingsReceived({payload: {settings}}: DidReceiveSettingsEvent<SettingsInterface>) {
if (Object.keys(settings).length <= 0)
this.count.value = settings.count.toString() ?? 0;
this.stepsCount.value = settings.steps.toString() ?? 1;
new CounterPi();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Test Plugin Inspector</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="sdpi.css">
<script src="dist/bundle-pi.js"></script>
<div class="sdpi-wrapper" id="mainSettings">
<div class="sdpi-item">
<div class="sdpi-item-label">Count</div>
<input class="sdpi-item-value" type="number" id="count" value="0">
<div class="sdpi-item">
<div class="sdpi-item-label">Steps</div>
<input class="sdpi-item-value" type="number" id="steps" value="1">
import {
} from '../../src';
import {Counter} from '../counter';
import {SettingsInterface} from '../interfaces/settings.interface';
export class CounterAction extends StreamDeckAction<Counter, CounterAction> {
private keyUpTimer: any;
constructor(private plugin: Counter, private actionName: string) {
super(plugin, actionName);
private onAppear({context, payload: {settings}}: WillAppearEvent<SettingsInterface>) {
this.plugin.setTitle((settings.count ?? 0).toString(), context);
private onKeyUp({context, payload: {settings}}: KeyUpEvent<SettingsInterface>) {
const steps = settings.steps ?? 1;
const count = (settings.count ?? 0) + steps;
this.plugin.setTitle(count.toString(), context);
this.plugin.setSettings<SettingsInterface>({steps, count}, context);
private onKeyDown({context, payload: {settings}}: KeyDownEvent<SettingsInterface>) {
this.keyUpTimer = setTimeout(() => {
const steps = settings.steps ?? 1;
count: steps * -1
}, context
this.plugin.setTitle('0', context);
}, 2000);
private onSettings({context, payload: {settings}}: DidReceiveSettingsEvent<SettingsInterface>) {
this.plugin.setTitle(settings.count.toString() ?? 0, context);
export interface SettingsInterface {
count: number,
steps: number
I would suggest you to do it like in the example with browserify, terser, tsify, typescript and for development watchify
See package.json and tsconfig.json
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc -p tsconfig.json",
"build-example": "browserify -p tsify example/counter-pi.ts | terser -cm --comments false -o dist/bundle-pi.js && browserify -p tsify example/counter.ts | terser -cm --comments false -o dist/bundle.js",
"watch": "start watchify --debug -p tsify example/counter.ts -o dist/bundle.js && start watchify --debug -p tsify example/counter-pi.ts -o dist/bundle-pi.js",
"documentation": "typedoc src/index.ts",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
Just fork the repository and create PR's, but we use standard-version to optimal release the plugin.
standard-version is following the conventionalcommits specification which follows the angular commit guidelines
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