Table of Contents

YTMDesktop CSharp Companion

This is a library for the YTMDesktop Companion Server which lets you easier communicate with the server and handle authorization and so on.

Table of contents


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TODO: Add installation instructions


Can be easier seen in the example file Also you can look through the documentation but here's a quick rundown:

// import everything
using System.Text.Json;
using NuGet.Versioning;
using XeroxDev.YTMDesktop.Companion;
using XeroxDev.YTMDesktop.Companion.Settings;

// Set YOUR version (or fetch them from anywhere) I will use a static version for this example 
var version = "1.0.0"

// Define settings (add token if you have one, see bigger example for how this could be done)
var settings = new ConnectorSettings(
    "YTMDesktop C# Companion Example",

// Create a new connector
var connector = new CompanionConnector(settings);

// extract clients for easier access
var restClient = connector.RestClient;
var socketClient = connector.SocketClient;

// Get metadata
var metadata = await restClient.GetMetadata();
if (metadata is null)
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get metadata. Probably the server is not running or the settings are wrong.");


// Get token
var code = await restClient.GetAuthCode();
if (code is null)
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get auth code. Probably the server is not running or the settings are wrong.");

Console.WriteLine($"Got new code, please compare it with the code from YTMDesktop: {code}");

var token = await restClient.GetAuthToken(code);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token))
    Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong...");
// Get the current state and print it
var state = await restClient.GetState();

// Pause current track
await restClient.Pause();

// wait 2 seconds
await Task.Delay(2000);

// Resume current track
await restClient.Play();

How to contribute?

Just fork the repository and create PR's.


We're using release-please to optimal release the library. release-please is following the conventionalcommits specification.